Monthly Zoom discussions and Q&A with farmers and experts. Facilitated by Sam Oschwald Tilton of OATS.
Upcoming Calls:
June 25th, Noon-1pm CST
“Equipment planning and priorities for transitioning farmers”
When conventional grain farmers begin the transition to organic, they often find new challenges that require different equipment (especially true for weed management and on split operations). In this call we will speak with an experienced organic advisor who has helped several grain farms transtition, as well as an organic farmer who has gone through transition. We'll discuss equipment and infrastructure needs, how they change during and after transition, and learn from some mistakes.
With Michael O’Donnell
Sam Oschwald Tilton, Facilitator
“I have worked with organic farmers all over the US and Canada to understand production systems and solve weed management issues. This past season, on farms and in winter conferences, I spoke with as many farmers and ag professionals as I could to understand the questions that organic producers have, and the experts that they’d like to learn from. Those conversations helped me identify the topics and guests for this series. I am excited to bring together a wide range of farmers and ag professionals from many backgrounds, all of whom have an experienced perspective to share. In each call I look forward to having an intelligent conversation with the guest that introduces the topic to those who are unfamiliar and also dives deep to bring further understanding and clear tips to listeners. After the conversation we’ll take questions from listeners, so that they can communicate directly with each guest to get the answers that they need. My goal for this call series is to provide crucial information on topics facing organic and transition-curious farmers, in an approachable conversation that listeners can easily listen to during their lunch hour.”
Past Calls & Recordings:
April 30, Noon-1pm CT - “What’s the new NRCS 823 program, and how can it work for organic and transitioning farmers?” with Susana Cabrera-Mariz and Thomas Manley
December 13, 8am CT - “Biannual Promise: Utilizing clover to minimize tillage, build fertility, and increase crop diversity” with Casey Bailey
November 15, 8am CT - “Bringing The Elevator Back to Life - Organic Offtake” with Clint Jessen (Jessen Wheat Company)
October 11, 8am CT - “On Farm Research Trials - how organic farmers can collaborate to make great science on their farm” with Casey Bailey & Cathy Zabinski
September 6, 8am CT - “Harvesting Two Crops: the promise of organic field peas as cash crop and fertility booster” with Brent Reck (PURIS)
June 14, 8am CT - “OATS: who are the players in the organic oat scene” with Julie Kunen (Oatly)
May 17, 2023 - “What is the gluten free market in organics?” with Berklee Welsh (Simple Mills)
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April 12, 2023 - “Short Season Grains: Buckwheat and Millet” with John Strohfus
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March 15, 2023- “How companies are looking to improve sourcing from organic farms” with Charlotte Vallaeys (General Mills)
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February 15, 2023 - “Simplifying Crop Insurance for Organic Farmers” with Megan Vaith (Northbourne Crop Insurance)
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January 18, 2023 - “Selling the whole organic crop rotation: cooperative marketing” with Mike Schulist (NFOrganic)
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November 16, 2022 - “Organic Seed Production” with Matt Leavitt (Albert Lea Seed)
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October 19, 2022 - Contract Grazing of Organic Cover Crops”
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September 14, 2022 - “Conquering Weed Control” with Amy Bruch (AgriSecure)
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August 24, 2022- “Reduced Tillage in Organic Systems: No Till Soybeans into Cereal Rye” with Lea Vereecke
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July 27, 2022 - “Cover Crops, Inter-seeding, and 60-inch corn in Organic Management” with Joel Gruver (Western Illinois University)
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June 29, 2022 - “Managing Weeds with Organic Crop Rotations and Technology” with Adam Davis (University of Illinois)
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March 23, 2022 - “Fertility Management, Manure and Nitrogen Crediting in Organic Production ” with James Schroepfer (Belgrade, MN)
February 23, 2022- “Diversity in Crop Rotations and Importance of Organic Agriculture to Rural Communities ” with Charlie Johnson (Madison, SD)
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January 26, 2022 - “Transition to Organic, Relay Cropping, and Leadership in Organics ” with Ben Adolph (Merge Organics)
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