Submit a Contractor Invoice

Invoice Submission Form


OATS contractors - Use this form to submit invoices for payment by OATS.

  • Invoices must be in pdf format.

  • Reimbursements/billable expenses must be submitted as a separate invoice from consulting hours.

    • Receipts are required (e.g. a map for mileage reimbursement, a hotel receipt, or rental car receipt).

    • Include receipts as additional pages in the same pdf file as the reimbursements invoice (e.g. invoice is page 1, receipt is page 2)

  • Click "submit" on the form below after uploading your documents.

Invoices are processed monthly. Submission is due on the 1st of the month (or the following Monday when the 1st falls on a weekend). Payments are made net-45 days.

Questions? Contact

Addition Instructions for First-time Submissions

For new contractors - The first time that you submit an invoice:

  • Email a signed form W-9 to

  • You will receive an email from via the Organic Trade Association (OATS' fiscal sponsor). Follow the instructions in that email to initiate the funds transfer.

Invoices must contain the following information (example below): 

  • Your name and/or business name (when applicable)

  • Your address, phone, and email (or for your business, when applicable)

  • Effective date for the invoice

  • Who the invoice is billed to (OATS’s fiscal sponsor OTA)

    • Organic Trade Association, 444 N. Capitol St. NW, Washington D.C. 20001

  • A line for each service rendered (typically broken down by day, but can be split by project area when those are very distinct or billed differently)

    • Date of service

    • Description of line item

    • Rate charged, Quantity billed, Total due for each line item

  • Total due for invoice

Example Invoice